Monday, May 20, 2013

Fulfilling Promises.

I always promised my Mom I'd take her to Europe.  I also promised her that one day, I'd buy her a convertible Mercedes.   Neither of these came to pass because my Mom died in 2009 at the age of 74.

On what would have been her 80th birthday, October 1st, 2013, I will put my boots on the ground and begin walking the Camino de Santiago in Roncesvalles, Spain.   Mom's ashes will be with me as I walk.

Although our relationship was troubled at worst and guarded at best, I know she did the best she could.  I tried to do right by her, also, and although Spain is not an experience we will share in person, we will share it in a different way:   As a daughter who has a spirit of faith and adventure and who carries the spirit of her mother next to her heart.

Carrying the ashes of a loved one on board an airplane is regulated.  Rather than jump through all the TSA hoops, I elected instead to buy a necklace specifically designed to carry the cremains of a loved one.  The necklace I bought is a silver "8".  I chose this symbol because "8" is an auspicious number according to Chinese principles of feng shui.  Will it help me?  I couldn't say, but it certainly can't hurt!

I am so glad I am able to take this journey and that my Mom's spirit will be with me.   I will fulfill a promise to her even as I embark on the greatest adventure of my life.

And, although I will never be able to buy her that convertible Mercedes, I did buy myself a convertible BMW this week.  I am sure my Mom would be thrilled about that!  I know that I am.

Buen Camino!

For cremation jewelry, see Everlasting Memories website: