I've had a few a-ha moments in the past few months. My intuition is guiding me to walk the Camino de Santiago in Spain and a few things have struck me as coincidental. Coincidences that seem to lead back to my bond with the Camino.
#1 - I had a new client whose name was Santiago. I've never met anyone with the name Santiago. Whether it was a sign or not, I choose to believe that it is. Santiago is the city that pilgrims walk from many different points in Europe to reach. Santiago is where Saint James in said to be interred.
#2 - I had another new client with a name corresponding to a town on the Camino. His name was Najera. Najera is a small town on the Camino Frances route that I will walk.
#3 - A fox went running through my back yard, jumped my fence and was gone. After I am finished with my Camino, I plan to go spend a couple of days at the Little Fox House which is the home of Tracy Saunders, and is a place to go after walking the Camino to have a little retreat, time to reflex, decompress and relax. http://pilgrimagetoheresy.blogspot.com/p/casa-do-raposito-little-fox-house.html
#4 - I plan to fly from Kansas City to Madrid. I am taking some of my Mom's ashes with me because I'd always told my Mom I would take her to Europe one day. I am making good on that promise and she will be with me in spirit. The airport code for Madrid is MAD. My Mom's initials - MAD.
I am sure more coincidences will happen between now and October and I will post them here. For now, I am grateful that things are coming together for me; that I have the desire and motivation to make this journey happen and that I have a life that will allow me to follow my bliss.
Buen Camino!
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